I'm Emily, a young twenty something with interests in fashion, fitness, health and travel. I hope to keep you entertained!

Wednesday, 27 April 2016

Bluebells and Blossom

A few days ago one evening was so beautiful, sunny and golden, that it lured me out of my revision stupor to take some photos in the fabled golden hour before sunset. I have lots and lots of snaps to share with you so grab a warm drink and snuggle up.


Sunday, 24 April 2016

The Stable | Winchester

Last night the mister and I went to check out a relatively new restaurant in town called The Stable, they serve pizza, pies and cider, things we are both VERY passionate about!

Friday, 22 April 2016

Haytor Heights | Devon

A family walk on Dartmoor is pretty much tradition for us. Dartmoor is beautiful, but it can be extremely breezy! Still, a built in wind machine has its advantages when it comes to taking blog photos..

Saturday, 16 April 2016

Babbacombe & Fish and Chips | Devon

 A beach walk is just what the doctor ordered...

Tuesday, 12 April 2016

Shepherding | Devon

On Thursday we went and helped my boyfriend's uncle move his sheep off the moors for lambing. Its a beautiful heard made up of Scottish Blackface and East Friesians.

Sunday, 10 April 2016

Countryside Walk | Devon

Living in a city is wonderful...

But there are times when you need to feel fresh grass under your feet.

Times like these I go back home to Devon. 

On this particular evening, my other half and I decided to take a walk in the sunshine with his dog Flo.

I apologise in advance for the quality of some of the pictures, I was using my phone as these were quite spontaneous. 
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